Monday, December 15, 2008


make some money and it's easy

Sunday, November 23, 2008



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picture of lupus flare up


pictures of my lupus flare up 6 months now


Information on my meds and skin with lupus

Current Skin flare ups. Now I am on reduced amount of Plaquinil 200mg twice per day. Also oral prendazone (steroids) 15mg pills x 4 pills per day for 7 days then I will drop to three per day then 2 per day then 1 per day. I have been on plaquinil since 2006.

1st time back on steroids since 5 months ago at that time I was taking them every month for one week

Right before Christmas I will be starting a medicine that I feel weird about taking however I will try anything now.

It is being specially made in California at panorama pharmacy from powder form to pill form. It is veterinarian Quinonine ( possibly spelt wrong)

I figure all meds are tested on animals first so what I might end up barking or grow a tail who knows lol.

I will take more pictures in a few days in hopes that my skin might calm down. where they did most recent skin biopsy that turned into ulcers then an infection. and my neckline area and face. My god make my skin heal please.

Make the joints normal and everything feeling better if only for a while I will be happy!!!

Well that's it for now getting ready to contact lupus specialist in the morning at another hospital to schedule another appointment with him to test my liver and kidney functions.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

What is Lupus?

Systemic lupus erythematosis or SLE, to give lupus its full medical name, is a connective tissue disease. This means that it can affect a wide variety of tissues throughout the body. The main way in which the body is damaged is through the body's own immune system effectively attacking itself, by the production of 'autoimmune antibodies'. SLE symptoms tend to occur in the twenties and thirties and women are nine times more likely to be affected then men. The main symptoms are joint pains, muscle aches and a fever. Tiredness, anaemia and generally not feeling well are also associated. Over sixty per cent of sufferers will have a 'butterfly' rash across the nose and face and SLE can be a cause of hair loss (alopecia). More serious symptoms can include heart and lung problems and over half of patients with SLE will have some involvement of the kidneys. The central nervous system, stomach and bowels and the eyes may also be affected.There is a simple blood test that can be used to detect over ninety per cent of people suffering with SLE and that is the test for antinuclear antibodies. Although not specific for SLE, combined with other more complex tests looking at the body's immune system and particular signs and symptoms of SLE, a diagnosis can usually be made.
Lupus Foundation of America

My new blog!!

Ok so here goes.
I was formally diagnosed with SLE LUPUS almost 3 years ago and it's been a uphill fight even before they knew I had it.
So my plan as the doctors appointments have been once a week now or so is to blog a little about what I have had done what the outcome is or was and where I go from there.
My latest doctors report as of Friday a.m is huge change in meds and a special med that I will post about soon. Anyway I will give some pictures too to show how my skin is reacting now and has been for 5 months even with invasive PLAQUINIL TREATMENT anti-malaria medicine etc and will do some more pictures as they now have added steroids to my mix.
Well just wanted to get it started I will be back soon!!!

Spread the word about LUPUS, what it is what it does and how it effects all around you.
I will be contacting other site to link sle lupus information for all from this blog section thanks and check back soon.